Flockler is the best Curator.io alternative for social media aggregation

An Instagram grid for website

Are you looking for an alternative to Curator.io?

Here are the top three reasons why brands choose Flockler over Curator:

  1. Unlimited feeds and layouts
  2. Multiple hashtag campaigns and events for the same fee
  3. Unlimited filtered views for topics and product pages

1. Unlimited feeds and layouts

👎 Curator.io limits the number of feeds and layouts.

With Flockler, brands create unlimited Social Walls, Grids, Carousels and Slideshows. Many brands have multiple websites, a mobile app, digital displays, and internal tools like Sharepoint – all of them most likely need a slightly different feed and layout.

Also, you might want to show, for example, a carousel layout on the homepage and a wall on a subpage.

Ekoi’s webshop is an excellent example of the Instagram carousel on the homepage:

An Instagram feed carousel for a webshop

And they’ve placed an inspirational wall for customers to continue browsing social posts after clicking the 'Discover gallery' button below the carousel:

A social media wall for a webshop

You don’t want to purchase a social media aggregator that limits the number of layouts.

On Curator.io, a layout is called a feed. To create a new layout for your content, you must add the same content source again – it quickly consumes the maximum number of sources in your subscription.

That makes the use of Curator quite expensive for organisations that add multiple sources and display social media feeds in various digital services – let alone companies that have multiple geographical areas and languages or slightly different branding for each business vertical.

Using multiple layouts for hashtag campaigns is relatively challenging with Curator.io, too. You will need to moderate the content of each layout separately. To approve or hide one piece of content, you must repeat the action for all layouts. For time-poor marketers, this won’t be an option.

2. Multiple hashtag campaigns and events for the same fee

👎 Curator.io doesn’t allow you to change your sources without losing the content.

With Flockler’s subscription plans, you only pay for the active social media sources.

If a hashtag campaign or event ends, you don’t typically need to gather any new content, but you’d surely want to keep the content live on the page, right?

Many companies run multiple hashtag campaigns and events in their yearly marketing calendar for a short period. For example, schools and universities have welcoming days, graduation ceremonies, and sports events where the hashtag campaigns change every year.

A social wall for a university

With Flockler, you can change the hashtags and other social media sources any time – without losing the content.

Whereas on Curator, you either pay more to add sources - or you have to delete sources and content from past campaigns and events.

That makes the use of Curator.io quite expensive for companies that run multiple hashtag campaigns or events during the year.

3. Unlimited filtered views for topics and product pages

👎 Curator.io doesn’t have tag filtering for a content source like a brand’s Instagram account.

Let’s imagine you are gathering the brand’s Instagram feed and displaying its content on your homepage. Instead of showing the exact same content on every page, wouldn’t it be fantastic to show a filtered and contextually relevant feed for each topic and product page?

With Flockler, you can create unlimited Walls and other layouts and filter their content by a hashtag. For example, your brand’s Instagram account might mention product names or topics in hashtags and Flockler’s tag filtering makes it easy to show the right content on the right page.

France.fr is one of the many organisations using Flockler’s tag-filtering to show campaign-specific content depending on the landing page. First, they gather Instagram posts from tourism and hospitality organisations and then show a filtered feed on the relevant page based on a hashtag.

A social media wall with tag-filtering

Learn more about tag-filtered views for topics and product pages.


How to create social media feeds for any digital service


If you are keen to compare Flockler to Curator.io, you can do that without any risk and commitment with Flockler’s 14-day free trial.

Here’s how to create social media feeds for any digital service:

  1. Add social media sources
  2. Create unlimited feeds and layouts
  3. Embed social media feeds on any digital service

1. Add social media sources

The first step is to add social media accounts and hashtags that you’d like to display.

On Flockler, navigate to the 'Automated Feeds' tab and create at least one feed gathering content from Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, and any other source.

Choosing content sources on the Flockler app

By default, all your sources show in one place, but you can categorise your content in Sections if you are looking to create separate Walls and other layouts for those sources.

This video shows you how to create an Instagram feed gathering content from any brand:

Check the list of supported social media sources to find details on what content you can mix and display in one place.

2. Create unlimited feeds and layouts

Flockler’s massive benefit compared to Curator.io is that you can create unlimited layouts from the sources you’ve gathered in step 1. With Flockler, you can show the content of one or multiple sources with unique layouts for every page and digital service – without any additional costs.

Navigate to the 'Display' tab and click the 'Add a new layout' button. Then, choose from the four available options:

Selecting a display layout for social media feeds

You can customize each layout; by changing colours, hiding elements, enabling infinite scrolling, and more. In the advanced part, you can add tags filtering the content and even your custom CSS if needed.

For inspiration on how other brands display social media feeds, see Flockler’s case studies.

3. Embed social media feeds on any digital service

An example of a social media feed for New Zealand Golf

The last step is to embed your social media feed on any digital service.

After creating any of the layouts, Flockler gives you an embed code:

Social media feed embed code for websites

You can add Flockler’s embed codes to any website, webshop, and digital service.

Here are step-by-step tutorials for some of the most common website builders and e-commerce platforms:


With Flockler, you can gather and display social media feeds from your favourite channels. See the full list of supported content types and sources

Flockler helps marketers like you to create social media feeds and display user-generated content on any digital service. Keep your audience engaged and drive sales.

Book a demo Start your 14-Day Free Trial