All-in-one UGC Platform for brands and social commerce

Thousands of marketers gather, moderate, and display user-generated content campaigns with Flockler. Embed social proof on any website, webshop, and digital screen to raise awareness and drive conversions.

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Example of the Grid layout
Example of the Wall layout
Example of the Wall layout
Join thousands of brands who use Flockler
Harvard University

Inspiration and ideas for your user-generated content campaigns

Screenshot of UNF display

United Nations Foundation

Charities and nonprofits like United Nations Foundation raise awareness and drive donations with user-generated content campaigns. The #EqualEverywhere campaign asks visitors to join the fight for an equal world.
Screenshot of GoProp display


GoPro gathers consumer generated content, images and videos, with an upload form on their website. The best entries are shared on their official Instagram account with the hashtag #GoProAwards. Flockler makes it easy for GoPro to display all UGC in one place.
Screenshot of Worktop Express display

Worktop Express

What if your brand could be the talk of the town with just a few Instagram hashtags? Worktop Express asked their customers to share home projects made with their products on Instagram in a hashtag campaign. With Flockler's hashtag filters, now the same campaigns bring genuine social proof to their store.

How to start a user-generated content campaign

Collect user-generated content from your favourite social channels

Gather UGC and hashtag campaign feeds from social media channels like Instagram and X (formerly Twitter). In addition to social media streams, you can gather reviews and custom posts directly on your website with a branded upload form.

See list of sources
Grid of posts on a tablet device

Moderate UGC campaigns


You decide what shows on your website. You choose if the content is stored in a moderation queue or displayed automatically.

Screenshot of the moderation feature
Screenshot of the hide post feature

Hide posts

If you change your mind later, it’s just one click to hide any UGC campaign posts from your website.


Blacklists for users and inappropriate keywords help to block bots that might pick your popular hashtag.

Screenshot of the blacklist feature

Embed UGC Anywhere

With one Flockler subscription, you can embed consumer generated content on unlimited number of websites, apps, and displays.

Create as many social walls, grids, carousels, and slideshows as you like!

Why do brands create user-generated campaigns?

Build awareness and increase reach

Social media channels prioritise posts from our friends, and companies typically pay to get more visibility for their content in our social feeds.

That’s why UGC and influencer campaigns have become so popular these days – your branded hashtag feeds get more eyeballs and engagement without pay-per-click costs. Brands like GoPro, United Nations, Metallica, and thousands of others create user-generated content campaigns to build awareness and increase reach.

Add social proof to increase sales

We’ve always asked our family and friends for recommendations on which products and services to buy. Influencer marketing has existed since the early days of commercial radio and magazines.

Through social media, gathering reviews is faster and easier than ever before. The authentic UGC from peers helps new customers make purchase decisions. Social proof is one of the key reasons why brands display social media feeds on websites.

Why choose Flockler’s UGC Platform for your next campaign

Display UGC Anywhere

Match brand look & feel

Combine multiple channels

Unlimited embeds and views

Sophisticated moderation tools

Social Commerce

Support access via chat & email

GDPR covered

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