The Best Social Media Wall for Websites and Displays

Create a beautiful Social Wall and display Instagram images, X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook posts, and more on websites and digital screens. Increase time spent on site, build engagement and drive conversions.

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Example of the Grid layout
Example of the Wall layout
Example of the Wall layout
The Social Wall trusted by 1000+ brands you love
Harvard University
Screenshot of GoPro display

GoPro rewards the best UGC entries to increase customer loyalty

GoPro’s Awards page increases customer loyalty with a dedicated social wall built for fan-generated content and by re-posting the most compelling videos on their Instagram account.
Screenshot of Harvard display

Harvard University’s social wall engages students before, during, and after events

Live-updating social media feeds play a vital role on the school’s marketing on websites, digital screens on campuses, and at events.
Screenshot of Worktop Express display

Add social proof with hashtags in seconds

What if your brand could be the talk of the town with just a few Instagram hashtags? Worktop Express asked their customers to share home projects made with their products on Instagram in a hashtag campaign. With Flockler's hashtag filters, now the same campaigns bring genuine social proof to their store.
Screenshot of FIFA display

FIFA Museum engages guests with live-updating Instagram feeds

Slideshows and social walls in stadiums and other public venues inspire fans to share unforgettable moments with friends, relatives, and followers. A social media wall is a vital part of every hybrid and virtual event, too.

Curious how Harvard University, Silicon Valley Bank, and Hapag-Lloyd Cruises are using Flockler?

See more Social Wall examples

Create a Social Media Wall for websites and digital screens in a few minutes

Combine Hashtags, Usernames, and Pages from Instagram, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, Pinterest, and more.

Then, select a Social Wall, Grid, Carousel, or Slideshow layout and embed social media feeds on any website, event display, or other digital service.

See list of sources
Grid of posts on a tablet device

Why should your organisation create a social media wall

Brands and organisations like Continental, Heineken, Philips, IKEA, and 1000+ more use Flockler to display social media walls to increase time spent on site, build engagement, and drive conversions.

Increase time spent on your website

Drive sales with social proof

Grow the number of followers and your reach

Keep customers & employees up-to-date with fresh content

Add social media feeds to any website and digital screen

Create a Social Wall with a custom design to match your brand look & feel. With an unlimited number of Social Walls, Grids, Carousels, and Slideshows, each website, page, and digital screen can show a tailored mix of social media feeds. With your Flockler subscription, you can display Instagram, Facebook, X, YouTube, and more on an unlimited number of websites, apps, and digital screens.

The Social Wall layout is the best choice for organisations looking to display content from multiple social media channels in one place.
Example of the Wall layout
Example of the Grid layout
Example of the Carousel layout
Example of the Slideshow layout

Aggregate social media posts with an all-in-one Social Media Wall solution

Social Wall for your brand

Social Wall for hashtag campaigns

Social Wall for events

Instagram Widgets

Facebook Widgets

X Widgets

Social Commerce

With social wall moderation tools, you are in full control.


When you set up Hashtags, Accounts, and Pages to display on your Social Media Wall, you can select if the content is stored in a moderation queue or displayed automatically.

Screenshot of the moderation feature
Screenshot of the hide post feature

Hide posts

Even if your Social Wall displays content automatically on your website, you can always hide unwanted or inappropriate content.


You can create blacklists blocking content posted by a specific username or content mentioning a particular keyword.

Screenshot of the blacklist feature

What you get

Unlimited Walls and Views

No limit on the number of Walls, Grids, Carousels, and Slideshows you create with us.


Automatically optimised to any screen size without any development work.


You are in control of whether the content is displayed automatically or requires approval.

Support Access

Our clients love our support in live chat and via email.

GDPR covered

We don’t store any data from your website or track your visitors. DPA available.

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