Opus Art Supplies

E-Commerce Retail
UGC gallery on a webshop

Opus Art Supplies, an online shop and brick and mortar chain for artists and photographers, calls itself 'your creative partner'. They sell paints, brushes, frames, films – anything you need to create a stunning piece of art.

As the creative partner, they root for artists’ success. The Instagram gallery of customer-generated content on the Community page shows social proof and Opus Art Supplies’ appreciation for the work of talented painters and photographers.

Instagram gallery of consumer-generated content

The branded hashtag spreads on social media channels, increasing brand awareness and bringing new customers to the shop.

Not everyone has an Instagram account, though. That’s when the upload form on the Opus Art Supplies website comes in handy.

Upload form for UGC entries

Customers can submit images with a text description, and the website marketing team uses Flockler’s UGC platform to review and approve uploads. Form submissions are shown with Instagram hashtag feeds.

With Flockler, you can gather and display social media feeds from your favourite channels. See the full list of supported content types and sources

Flockler helps marketers like you to create social media feeds and display user-generated content on any digital service. Keep your audience engaged and drive sales.

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